We open with Laura and Judy doing homework at the kitchen table. Judy is obnoxiously asking Laura the answers to every one of her times tables. But its the Judy we remember!
Carl comes into the room and starts paying bills and everyone scatters from the room. As an adult, I get it. That shit's annoying. In that time we learn that Rachel's kid is named Little Richie and now I totally remember him as a little kid. Can't wait for those days...
Just then Eddie comes in and complains that he needs new high top sneakers. You see, he has Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's sneakers and he's retired so its SO freaking embarrassing to not have the new Jordan's! He asks for money to pay for them and tells Carl they're $70!! Even now that's a lot of money for sneakers, let alone 20 years ago! No, is the answer. Doesn't Eddie have a job? We see him bagging groceries in the opening credits. Get your own damn sneakers.
As if we needed more help figuring out the story line of the episode, Harriet comes in and says the car died on her while she was at the grocery store. She tried to use tune up in a can (?) but it didn't work. I swear, that's what she said...tune up in a can. Was that a real thing? Carl starts to complain about money and he suggests Harriet ask for a raise at her job as an elevator operator. Sounds like this couldn't go wrong.
The next day, while Eddie continues to beg for new shoes, Harriet comes in and tells the family that she got fired from her job. Apparently they're putting in a self-service elevator because she asked for a raise. Uhhh, yeah, I don't think it works like that. When you need a job as a elevator operator, you typically have an elevator that functions manually. To put in a self-service elevator would mean reinstalling a new type of elevator...which means it would probably be weeks before Harriet lost her job. So much for logic. Also, what a shit boss, he fires her because she asked for a raise? Whatever.
Rachel declares that she'll get part time work, stuffing envelopes (let that sink in) while Harriet is unemployed. Hey, Aunt Rachel, how about having a freaking job to contribute to you and your kid living there and Harriet wouldn't have had to give into Carl's pressure about asking for a raise! Jerk sister.
Eddie continues to beg for new sneakers because his self awareness is at an all time low. The car breaks down again as Harriet leaves for another round of interviews. I don't understand what she's doing, it doesn't seem like she has interviews lined up. Is she just walking around downtown and going into buildings that need elevator operators? As Carl and Eddie run to push the car back home, Harriet mentions the car is on fire. Nice.
I have no idea how long its supposed to have been since Harriet got fired - days, weeks, months - but she comes into the kitchen with no luck to find out Mother Winslow made dinner. At least the freeloading adults are contributing, Eddie is just walking around asking for expensive shoes. Mother Winslow says grace at dinner and takes it upon herself to insult Harriet by praying for her as shes's turned down by job after job. And in case we didn't know she was old, Mother Winslow lectures to the table about how times were tough during the depression. So she made everyone a depression dinner...mashed turnips and bacon (drippings). Harriet excused the table cause everyone's being a jerk. Carl follows her.
They sit on the back porch and the music comes on! In the middle of the episode? I thought that usually wrapped things up. Also, how come the music moments all take place on the back porch? He says she'll find something perfect for her and we learn that she graduated from the Police Academy and that she saw a security job posted at her old building while she was getting fired. Carl encourages her to set up and interview with her old boss, Mr. Seeger (why not?) and apply.
Harriet goes into her old boss at the Chicago Chronicle building for an interview. After he tells her that he should've gotten rid of her years ago, she tells him she's his next interview for the security position and gives him her resume. He looks it over and tells her that since her job at the police department was clerical and she has no management experience, she wouldn't be qualified for the job. Harriet gets all upset and tells him that since she's raised 3 kids, she could tell him a thing or two about management experience. And he can call her husband and kids for a reference. The obligatory "she just told him off" clapping sequence is played as she storms out of the office. And Mr. Seeger just sits there like this...
Back at home, Harriet tells Carl that she didn't get the job at the Chronicle but it felt good to tell her old boss off so she treated herself to a movie. Eddie comes downstairs to tell them that he saved $70 from overtime with his job. Instead of buying the shoes, though, he wants to give it to them to pay some bills AND THEY TAKE IT! Omg. I can't believe that. They're just like "thanks son!"
Everyone celebrates and the music comes on AGAIN when Harriet thanks Carl for believing in her.
The episode ends with everyone helping with dinner. Now that she got that job, they better give Eddie his $70 back.
So, another happy ending and another episode without Steve Urkel. I wonder when he'll get introduced!
Til next time.