Wednesday, October 4, 2017

As Days Go By...

Image result for Family Matters

I know, I know! I haven't post on this blog in a long time. Honestly, I've had a lot going on in my life that took up sometime to get over and I really just haven't had much to write about. BUT! I'm ready to really get back into this because I feel so much better when I'm writing, even if its just something silly and I'm the only person that reads it. 

With that said, I always feel a little more accountable to put something together when I have a project in place, like the Star Wars reviews I did last summer. I had been mulling over a new project for the past couple of weeks, and then fate happened in the hands of Hulu...who brought back all of the BEST television had to offer when I was a kid. Including...Family Matters! That's right, Family Matters!

Can you guess what I'm going to say here? I've been a big fan of other review blogs who commit to watching and reviewing each episode throughout its seasons. It's always so entertaining to me to watch these shows that I loved as a child and point out something that either seems ridiculous now or is still lovable. So that's just what I'm going to do. I will watch all 9 seasons and commit to writing a review once a week for each episode. Yes, that seems like a lot but I know I can do it! I binge watch shows all the time, so one episode a week isn't going to be too bad. I know it seems like I have a lot of time on my hands but whatever! Leave me to my vices, please, I leave you to yours. 

Let's start out with a little background for those of you who didn't grow up in the TGIF generation. The show ran from 1989 - 1998 (!!) and was produced by Miller-Boyett Productions who churned out other notable television shows such as Full House, Step by Step, and Perfect Strangers. Speaking of Perfect Strangers, this is somehow a spin off of that show. The Family Matters mom, Harriett, appeared on a couple of episodes of Perfect Strangers and I guess the producers thought "let's make a show off of her"! So they did. Family Matters is about the Winslow Family, a middle class multi generational black family living in Chicago. Turns out it became the second longest-running US sitcom with a predominantly black cast behind The Jeffersons

I do know what's waiting for me, though. A show that started out about a family eventually turns into the Steve Urkel show. Again, for those who DON'T know, Steve Urkel is the Winslow's nerdy next door neighbor. I'm ready for that, and we'll see how long it takes for that transformation to happen. 

I'll be posting my reviews on Friday mornings for all those who space out at work and want something a little mindless to read. So follow along with me, or don't, whatevs. It'll be trip down memory lane. Stay tuned!


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