If there is one thing about me that I've become really good at hiding from people, its that I'm really insecure about my body. Always have been. I think it stems from back when I was a kid, I developed breasts before a lot of the other girls and I was taller than even the boys and I just felt "bigger" than everyone. I'm sure a lot of women can relate to that.
As I mentioned before, I gained a little weight over the last year due to just being exhausted from marathon training and
Now don't start thinking I'm just being vain about gaining weight. Diabetes runs in my family and I lost my father way too early in life because he didn't take care of himself. I've had to sit by idly and watch other people in my life make poor decisions and not take care of their health. So I decided a long time ago that I want to be healthy and live a long life, and maintaining a healthy weight is part of that.
This second week of the Runner's World Run Streak has really gotten me back into a running schedule. Its like I'm training again except not as intense...not NEARLY as intense. But this is what my mind needed, I can focus on this which leads to me making sure I'm eating properly and getting enough sleep and ultimately being happy about staying healthy. I'm already making goals for after this challenge ends so that I don't just dead end with it. It feels great!
So here's how I did this week!
Week 2
Saturday, June 4
Day 6/36: 2.5 miles
I was just a little tired for this run. My adorably obnoxious dog didn't let me sleep in at all. But that's okay because I do like to get my work outs done for the day. The beauty about a lazy Saturday is naps are available!! Anyways, it was muggy, cloudy, and Remus was relentless but we got out there. Once I took him around our path, I dropped him off back home (gave him his morning treat #spoiled) and grabbed my headphones to go back out for a longer run. I ended up running pretty far despite the weather.
Sunday, June 5
Day 7/36: 1.02 mile
Okay sooo this was a not so great run. On Saturday night I decided that since I'm an adult and its summer, I should drink a mojito...or two. Did I mention how I can't/shouldn't do rum anymore? Needless to say I felt it the next morning. There was no hangover, no headache or upset stomach, but I just felt sluggish. Nate did let me sleep in and took care of the animals when they started hollerin' but I woke up just grumpy. If it wasn't for Remus, I wouldn't have gone out at all.
Monday, June 6
Day 8/36: 1.02 miles
It's a Monday, what can I say? But the sun was up and I was ready to start the week off right! I kept it easy because I was feeling it in my knees on Sunday evening and STILL felt a little off from the rum.
Tuesday, June 7
Day 9/36: 2.3 miles
Today was great! I went to bed early the night before and woke up refreshed. The sun was shining and the humidity finally broke, it was a perfect morning. This was my first time since training for the half marathon last year that I went more than my normal loop before work. I'm going to try and do an extended run twice a week so I can work on getting my long run miles up.
Wednesday, June 8
Day 10/36: 1.02 miles
I was actually a little chilly in a tshirt this morning, which was a nice change given the past week of humidity and heat. Remus was in the mood to stop and smell everything so we kept it at a nice and easy pace. Did some Pilates (and added in planks, gross) moves to end my workout and start my day. Happy Hump Day!Thursday, June 9
Day 11/36: 1.02 miles
I'm not gonna lie, today was tough. I got my period on Wednesday (we're adults, right?) and just had killer cramps and felt out of it this morning. We made it out but I definitely let Remus take his time sniffing every plant we went by and stopped to walk more than normal. Usually I do this loop without stopping at all but today was just not that day. I just didn't want to overdo it. The fresh air felt nice, though, and it was a beautiful morning to be out and about! Tomorrow's another day and I'm hoping to feel good enough to push myself a little farther.Friday, June 10
Day 12/36: 1.5 miles
It took wild horses (or an energetic dog) to drag me out of bed this morning. But it was another gorgeous morning so once I got my sneakers on we were out the door. Finished with some stretching and Pilates to start off the morning. Happy Friday!This week was overall a little easier which might be partly because the weather has been perfect. I've almost always given myself rest days so I'm not really pushing myself to do too many miles before work. I see a lot of knee icing in my future. I'm going to try and save my longer miles for the weekends (no mojitos) when I can sleep in a little more or just take my time in the mornings so I don't have to feel rushed. But this challenge has really been pushing my mind to the level I've missed with just being on a routine of running again.
I made it another week! 24 more days to go.
Til next time!
You encourage ME!