Friday, June 17, 2016

#RWRunStreak 2016 Challenge: Week 3

A common theme in my posts is my dog, Remus. He is a part German Shepard/part Red bone Coon Hound. He's all lean muscle and has SO much energy. When we first adopted Remus he wasn't even 1 year old yet but he was already fully grown and was terrible on the leash but the ONLY way to get him to relax and calm down was to get him outside on a walk. We eventually fell into a routine of running together on the path around the college near our house (the exact 1.02 mi loop I always mention). Now it's just a given and we must go out or he acts like he's going to burst into flames.

He was great for half marathon training last summer because our loop would give me a good warm up and then I would drop him off and head back out. I like to go out for extended runs without him because its just easier. Some spots don't always have a sidewalk or wide shoulder and its just easier not to have to worry about him.

If you ever need help getting up your cardio, he's your dog. I'm not being dramatic when I say that he's relentless. He doesn't stop. He paws at my shoes, his leash, and just walks around whining in my face until I get up and start putting my sneakers on. It would be funny if it weren't so obnoxious, but it does make him the perfect personal trainer and he's sort of adorable. After our runs we split a banana with peanut butter. Yes, he gets some too. I've been icing my knees lately and I was thinking...should I be icing his legs? He uses them just as much as me during this running streak. Omg, did you just picture him with an ice pack and bandage on his leg? How cute would that be!

Here's how we did for week 3 of our RW Running Streak. Only 2 more weeks to go...we can do this!

Week 3

Saturday, June 11

Day 13/36: 2.5 miles

I think I got a good night's sleep because I wasn't even fussy when Remus decided it was time for us to get up and at 'em. We had a good solid run and I was even up for going back out without him.

Sunday, June 12

Day 14/36: 1.5 miles

Another beautiful morning with my running buddy. We took an extended run together cause we were feeling good! I was feeling pretty sluggish afterwards but I was able to add in some Pilates moves to round out my day.

Monday, June 13

Day 15/36: 1.02 miles

Today was good. I was trying to take it at a slow pace since my legs were feeling pretty tired. I ended the run with some deep stretching. 

Tuesday, June 14

Day 16/36: 1.02 miles

Whoa, to say my legs are tired this morning is an understatement. They felt like lead, it was such a rough one. It was a great morning, though, a bit chilly even which is nice! We made it through, I ended with some Pilates moves and stretching. I'm craving a rest day, though.

Wednesday, June 15

Day 17/36: 1.02 miles

This was the second morning feeling like my legs were so heavy. So today I mostly walked. We ran a little bit, mostly up the hills, but for the majority of the time we walked. It's okay, I think it counts because I really wanted to just hit the snooze button but I got out there anyways! We finished with some deep stretching and Pilates.

Thursday, June 16

Day 18/36: 1.02 miles

Boy am I glad with yesterday's decision to take it easy. I felt great this morning despite the rainy weather. It was a nice loop with Remus. I finished with some Pilates. 

Friday, June 17

Day 19/36: 2 miles

The sun is back and its Friday! I went to bed super early last night and woke up refreshed. I even had the energy to go back out on a longer run without Remus which felt really nice. I took the time for the deep stretches afterwards. 

This week was a little tougher for me. I physically felt it in my legs being so tired. I'm glad I took the day on Wednesday to just really walk the majority of the time. I learned how to listen to my body when I was marathon training last year and I think that's important. Some days you just gotta rest!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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