Although it seems like I'm not doing any stellar mileage for my runs, running everyday is tough and it could take serious toll on me if I didn't focus on fueling my body everyday. I'm getting back into a pattern of going to bed earlier, eating better, and refueling afterwards. Not to mention icing my knees like crazy! Also, I need new shoes. I know, I know! They are beyond what I should have them for running everyday but did you ever buy a pair that were just so freaking comfortable you didn't want to move onto the next pair?? These are the shoes that brought me through the finish line on my half marathon last year. We've been through a lot. But I suppose its time to let them go. Goodbye, shoes!
I'm trying to take the time in the evenings to make dinners that are full of protein and veggies that make me feel good for the next morning. With the exception of Friday night pizza and a glass of wine. We all have our indulgences. In the mornings I make sure to have a full glass of water and some orange juice before I go out for my run. I hate running on an empty stomach, I hate running on a full OJ is my go-to in between. When I was waking up to run 6+ miles, I would take the time to make sure I ate and digested my food before heading out, but since I'm not there anymore OJ does the trick to wake me up and get me going. Then I have a bowl of cereal and some more water when I get back. And coffee of course. Since working out in the morning makes me really hungry throughout the day, I like to plan a couple of snacks to munch on. Like English muffins, yogurts or smoothies, an apple, or trail mix. Something that is healthy but will satisfy my cravings until lunch...and on a good day lunch is yummy leftovers from last night's it all comes full circle.
Anyways, I'm winding down the running streak and here is how last week went for me!
Week 4
Saturday, June 18
Day 20/36: 2 miles
Bright and sunny day to start off my weekend! We hit the pavement around our usual time except this time I had to wake Remus up! This never happens. He was being a lazy bones but I was meeting up with my family later that morning so I had to get it checked off my list. I had a really nice run with Remus and then out on my own.
Sunday, June 19
Day 21/36: 1.5 miles
Today I really, really wanted to spend the morning on a bike ride with Nathan but I really wanted to keep up this run streak. It was fine, we had a nice leisurely run around the normal path. Its so nice when the college kids are gone for the summer. I feel like we have the entire space to ourselves.
Monday, June 20
Day 22/36: 1.02 miles
Meh, its Monday. We went on an easy pace around our loop and did some deep stretching afterwards.
Tuesday, June 21
Day 23/36: 2.5 miles
These are the runs that really keep me going. I woke up and I was NOT in the mood for running but before I could talk myself out of it (as if Remus would let me) we put on our shoes and went out. I was already in my head telling myself that I was just going to do my loop and then be done with it. But when we got back to the house I gave Remus his treat, grabbed my headphones and went back out by myself. And it felt GREAT! I was so happy with myself for pushing passed my initial mood to create a better one.
Wednesday, June 22
Day 24/36: 1.02 miles
Slow and easy. The humidity cut down and we had a great run this morning.
Thursday, June 23
Day 25/36: 1.02 miles
Ugh, raaaiiinnnn. I so badly wanted to just have a cup of coffee and skip this morning. But the chances of me wanting to work out in the evenings after work are very slim so I laced up and went out. It wasn't a bad run but has any one else noticed a lot of mosquitoes this summer? I keep getting bit on my butt and they were so annoying this morning! Gross.
Friday, June 24
Day 26/36: 1.5 miles
Usually I'm more peppy on a Friday morning simply because its Friday but not today. It wasn't bad, though. We went a little further than the normal loop and that felt nice. I'm ready to get this weekend started.
I've got 10 more days to go of this challenge! Woohoo. I already feel so good that I've stuck with this and have gone this far but I am looking forward to the end of the challenge. Running everyday is exhausting and I really have other goals I want to work on but I have no energy to put into it. But, one more week won't kill me!
It's been real, enjoy your weekend.
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