Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Southern Charm Reunion Part 1 ~ What We Learned

Y'all...The best aspect of Bravo reality shows are the reunions. Cause everything gets called out, there's no editing of a scene to make it feel staged, its just them airing it all out. I LOVE IT!
Typically, I've found past Southern Charm reunions a bit boring but since this season was jam packed with drama we had a lot to learn! And boy did I get schooled on some of the things that were going on behind the scenes that were never aired. Also, thank God they're not squeezed into the WWHL clubhouse. Dang.

First off, since its so important to me, lets rate how they looked.

Whitney: B 
He didn't wear anything offensive or special but looked dapper enough for the stage.

Landon: A
Loved the red, LOVED the earrings, Loved the hair. Love love love.

Cameran: B 
She looked cute but like Whitney it was just kind of bleh.

Thomas: A 
Very nice, TRav! Looking pulled together in a nice gray suit.

Kathryn Calhoun Dennis: (?)
...I can't...

Shep: B 
He looked good, as always, but the pink shirt and the no socks got to me.

Craig: C
Looks great from the waist up but, homie, are you wearing jeans?!?

Here is my top 10 list of what we learned:

10. Shep put the moves on Naomi. Of course he did...

9. Cameran's husband "really loves" the show yet doesn't want to be on it. And has no problem with her airing their dirty laundry about their dispute about children? Whatever.

8. Shep tried to hook up with Landon when she first came back to Charleston! This actually surprised me to hear. When he said before that they drunkenly made out, I immediately thought it was back in their college days. Perhaps I was wrong on that? Apparently she wasn't ready to get back into something so soon after her life transition. So in that case, honey, you missed the boat. I don't think Shep has a rear view mirror when it comes to women.

7. Post hook up back in the day, Kathryn says that Shep is really well read. And that it was nice to  have an intelligent conversation, for once...ouch. I believe that was to you, TRav.

6. We learned that Kathryn is definitely NOT a gold digger because TRav only pays for her rent and gives her face wash for Christmas presents. (I'm still trying to understand that one, too)

5.Landon makes a remark about a whole lotta medicine in Kathryn's possession at Jekyll Island to which KCD comments that they were anti depressant pills and that actually made my cold hard hatred of her soften just a bit. No one should be driven that crazy by their personal situation.

4.We find out that TRav took Landon on a special couple's trip that he had planned with Kathryn Calhoun Dennis when they were together. Even Landon looks floored by this information. No wonder KCD hates her so much! (Note: TRav explains that they shared separate rooms AND he was broken up with Kathryn at the time)

3. As we dive into the "he said, she said" about Whitney and Kathryn Calhoun Denni's relationship, we find out that Whitney was hopped up on cherry flavored moonshine and THAT is why he got so upset with Craig for bringing up the topic. Nice try. It doesn't explain why he was holding a grudge in the sober hours of the morning. But let's just go on to say that does this really matter? He says it was a one night stand and she says it was 5 days...either way its not a relationship. There's not that much difference.

2. The Paternity tests get brought up again. Did anyone else hear KCD say that people were questioning the ethnicity of St. Julien? I thought that was so weird. We find out that the baby is, in fact, Thomas's. Phew, I was so concerned.

1. Craig never fully completed law school! He graduated, but he never turned in his thesis paper thus not being able to take the bar exam. I was FLOORED when he revealed that. This whole time Craig has been talking about taking the bar exam and being a lawyer and its not even a real dream because he's never finished one huge part of that. He really is a typical millennial. Come on, who do you think you're fooling? Also, does Naomi know? He never mentioned that part and in the finale he tells her he quit the job with JD so he can study for the bar! Oh Craig, Craig, Craig.

A lot of things were revealed on this episode that I wonder what they need a whole 'nother hour for next week. But I'll be there! And we're joined by a very preggers but gorgeous looking Jennifer Snowden. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about the things TRav was trying to make KCD think about her. I wonder if there is anyone else who will be there? Danni? Perhaps JD & Elizabeth? Kathryn says she was disgusted by JD's constantly bringing up the paternity of St. Julien so I wonder how that effects her relationship with Elizabeth?
We shall see!

Until next time

Friday, June 24, 2016

#RWRunStreak 2016 Challenge: Week 4

Although it seems like I'm not doing any stellar mileage for my runs, running everyday is tough and it could take serious toll on me if I didn't focus on fueling my body everyday. I'm getting back into a pattern of going to bed earlier, eating better, and refueling afterwards. Not to mention icing my knees like crazy! Also, I need new shoes. I know, I know! They are beyond what I should have them for running everyday but did you ever buy a pair that were just so freaking comfortable you didn't want to move onto the next pair?? These are the shoes that brought me through the finish line on my half marathon last year. We've been through a lot. But I suppose its time to let them go. Goodbye, shoes!

I'm trying to take the time in the evenings to make dinners that are full of protein and veggies that make me feel good for the next morning. With the exception of Friday night pizza and a glass of wine. We all have our indulgences. In the mornings I make sure to have a full glass of water and some orange juice before I go out for my run. I hate running on an empty stomach, I hate running on a full stomach...so OJ is my go-to in between. When I was waking up to run 6+ miles, I would take the time to make sure I ate and digested my food before heading out, but since I'm not there anymore OJ does the trick to wake me up and get me going. Then I have a bowl of cereal and some more water when I get back. And coffee of course. Since working out in the morning makes me really hungry throughout the day, I like to plan a couple of snacks to munch on. Like English muffins, yogurts or smoothies, an apple, or trail mix. Something that is healthy but will satisfy my cravings until lunch...and on a good day lunch is yummy leftovers from last night's meal...so it all comes full circle.

Anyways, I'm winding down the running streak and here is how last week went for me!

Week 4

Saturday, June 18

Day 20/36: 2 miles

Bright and sunny day to start off my weekend! We hit the pavement around our usual time except this time I had to wake Remus up! This never happens. He was being a lazy bones but I was meeting up with my family later that morning so I had to get it checked off my list. I had a really nice run with Remus and then out on my own. 

Sunday, June 19

Day 21/36: 1.5 miles

Today I really, really wanted to spend the morning on a bike ride with Nathan but I really wanted to keep up this run streak. It was fine, we had a nice leisurely run around the normal path. Its so nice when the college kids are gone for the summer. I feel like we have the entire space to ourselves. 

Monday, June 20

Day 22/36: 1.02 miles

Meh, its Monday. We went on an easy pace around our loop and did some deep stretching afterwards.

Tuesday, June 21

Day 23/36: 2.5 miles

These are the runs that really keep me going. I woke up and I was NOT in the mood for running but before I could talk myself out of it (as if Remus would let me) we put on our shoes and went out. I was already in my head telling myself that I was just going to do my loop and then be done with it. But when we got back to the house I gave Remus his treat, grabbed my headphones and went back out by myself. And it felt GREAT! I was so happy with myself for pushing passed my initial mood to create a better one.

Wednesday, June 22

Day 24/36: 1.02 miles

Slow and easy. The humidity cut down and we had a great run this morning. 

Thursday, June 23

Day 25/36: 1.02 miles

Ugh, raaaiiinnnn. I so badly wanted to just have a cup of coffee and skip this morning. But the chances of me wanting to work out in the evenings after work are very slim so I laced up and went out. It wasn't a bad run but has any one else noticed a lot of mosquitoes this summer? I keep getting bit on my butt and they were so annoying this morning! Gross.

Friday, June 24

Day 26/36: 1.5 miles

Usually I'm more peppy on a Friday morning simply because its Friday but not today. It wasn't bad, though. We went a little further than the normal loop and that felt nice. I'm ready to get this weekend started. 

I've got 10 more days to go of this challenge! Woohoo. I already feel so good that I've stuck with this and have gone this far but I am looking forward to the end of the challenge. Running everyday is exhausting and I really have other goals I want to work on but I have no energy to put into it. But, one more week won't kill me!

It's been real, enjoy your weekend.

Friday, June 17, 2016

#RWRunStreak 2016 Challenge: Week 3

A common theme in my posts is my dog, Remus. He is a part German Shepard/part Red bone Coon Hound. He's all lean muscle and has SO much energy. When we first adopted Remus he wasn't even 1 year old yet but he was already fully grown and was terrible on the leash but the ONLY way to get him to relax and calm down was to get him outside on a walk. We eventually fell into a routine of running together on the path around the college near our house (the exact 1.02 mi loop I always mention). Now it's just a given and we must go out or he acts like he's going to burst into flames.

He was great for half marathon training last summer because our loop would give me a good warm up and then I would drop him off and head back out. I like to go out for extended runs without him because its just easier. Some spots don't always have a sidewalk or wide shoulder and its just easier not to have to worry about him.

If you ever need help getting up your cardio, he's your dog. I'm not being dramatic when I say that he's relentless. He doesn't stop. He paws at my shoes, his leash, and just walks around whining in my face until I get up and start putting my sneakers on. It would be funny if it weren't so obnoxious, but it does make him the perfect personal trainer and he's sort of adorable. After our runs we split a banana with peanut butter. Yes, he gets some too. I've been icing my knees lately and I was thinking...should I be icing his legs? He uses them just as much as me during this running streak. Omg, did you just picture him with an ice pack and bandage on his leg? How cute would that be!

Here's how we did for week 3 of our RW Running Streak. Only 2 more weeks to go...we can do this!

Week 3

Saturday, June 11

Day 13/36: 2.5 miles

I think I got a good night's sleep because I wasn't even fussy when Remus decided it was time for us to get up and at 'em. We had a good solid run and I was even up for going back out without him.

Sunday, June 12

Day 14/36: 1.5 miles

Another beautiful morning with my running buddy. We took an extended run together cause we were feeling good! I was feeling pretty sluggish afterwards but I was able to add in some Pilates moves to round out my day.

Monday, June 13

Day 15/36: 1.02 miles

Today was good. I was trying to take it at a slow pace since my legs were feeling pretty tired. I ended the run with some deep stretching. 

Tuesday, June 14

Day 16/36: 1.02 miles

Whoa, to say my legs are tired this morning is an understatement. They felt like lead, it was such a rough one. It was a great morning, though, a bit chilly even which is nice! We made it through, I ended with some Pilates moves and stretching. I'm craving a rest day, though.

Wednesday, June 15

Day 17/36: 1.02 miles

This was the second morning feeling like my legs were so heavy. So today I mostly walked. We ran a little bit, mostly up the hills, but for the majority of the time we walked. It's okay, I think it counts because I really wanted to just hit the snooze button but I got out there anyways! We finished with some deep stretching and Pilates.

Thursday, June 16

Day 18/36: 1.02 miles

Boy am I glad with yesterday's decision to take it easy. I felt great this morning despite the rainy weather. It was a nice loop with Remus. I finished with some Pilates. 

Friday, June 17

Day 19/36: 2 miles

The sun is back and its Friday! I went to bed super early last night and woke up refreshed. I even had the energy to go back out on a longer run without Remus which felt really nice. I took the time for the deep stretches afterwards. 

This week was a little tougher for me. I physically felt it in my legs being so tired. I'm glad I took the day on Wednesday to just really walk the majority of the time. I learned how to listen to my body when I was marathon training last year and I think that's important. Some days you just gotta rest!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Happy Father's Day & Birthday, Daddy

My dad's birthday has always danced around the Sunday of Father's Day; and then there were those once in a while times where they were both on the same day. This was always funny when we were younger. He would make a big deal about having to get more presents because they ended up on the same day. Kind of like a kid who's birthday is on Christmas. But that's just how my dad was...totally obnoxious. If you knew him, then you know. ;)

This year is one of those rare occasions. My dad would have been celebrating his 70th birthday on June 19th, the same day as Father's Day. I always get in some sort of fog around that time. Its funny because Mother's Day comes and a week or so beforehand I'm like shit, its Mother's Day - send flowers? Check. Give her a call? Check. Maybe breakfast? Check.

But this day is different. I've had this day on my mind since I first looked at a 2016 calendar back in January. I've been anticipating it and praying I get through while keeping my cheeks dry. I can't send flowers, I can't give him a call or take him to breakfast. And there is a missing void in my heart because of it.

I was 14 years old when my dad died. My dad had a battle with alcoholism that ended up making his body very weak. He was also diabetic and did dialysis, the whole deal. I'm not afraid to tell you, and he wouldn't be either. He was a grown man when the doctor's told him he would need to stop drinking or he'd die (so I'm told through my family, I don't remember this first hand) but he did and he was proud of himself for that and he should be.

For all of his faults, he was a great dad. He would run around and chase me and my friends. He took us to all of the Riverfront festivals in downtown Harrisburg over the summer. I have a lot of memories of him taking us to Strawberry Square in Harrisburg. We went to church on Sunday mornings and for breakfast afterwards. I was so young then even though I thought I was grown. Teenagers, right? There are so many times I can think back with him trying to tell me things about himself, his family, his LIFE, and I was like "ooookkkaaaayyy dad". Now I would give anything to have those conversations with him. Why didn't I listen? He was the glue that kept the family together. Always checking in with his kids and sisters and making sure everyone knew what everyone else was doing. I can remember dancing around on his feet to Earth, Wind, and Fire. There was always music playing in our house.

Now I'm 32 and I've spent more of my life without him, than with him. I can't help but think about the things he's missed in my life.
Graduation from high school.
Graduation from college.
He never met Nathan.
Never met Yana's little boys.
I wonder if he would like Nathan?
What would he think of my career choices?
How would he be as a grandfather?
Would he get a kick out of the fact that Gabe's birthday is a day before his?Or that my sister, Tammi's, son is the spitting image of him?

I'll never be able to stop those thoughts from getting in my head. But if I keep asking myself 'why', I would never survive. The only thing I can do is think about all of the things that my dad has given me.

My big smile.
My loud laugh.
My excitable personality.
My (fabulous) taste in music.
My 6 siblings who I love as individuals and as a group.
My 4 strong, beautiful, fiercely independent Aunts who were big influences in his life.
My honesty.
My strong will.

He had an over the top personality that was always larger than life. Or maybe that was just my perception as a kid. But I like to remember him that way and I'll always remember him that way. I hope he knew how much he meant to me and still means to me.

Happy Father's Day & Birthday, Dad.
I wish I could give you presents times two. I think about you everyday. You're loved. You're missed.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Southern Charm Real vs Fake "Words of Wisdom"

Whether you noticed or not, I took a break from a recap last week. I felt like I needed to recharge my Southern Charm batteries and see the show for what it is...a reality show. I started to feel myself getting waaayyy too invested, upset, and defensive by not only what happened on the show but what people say on Twitter. I'm a fan of this show and having watched it for a couple of years I definitely have my favorites and not so favorites. But I see a glimpse of them every Monday for like 3 months of the year so I can't pretend I know anything about them as a person, and I just need to let that go.

I wish other people would as well. Twitter is like an angry mob for reality shows and people take it way too seriously. With all the hate going in this world, seeing tweets like that really upset me that we can be so careless with our words but I can only focus on what I say.

Okay, so that's my PSA for the day...let's get to the show. And boy did they give us a show. Was this episode not ridiculous? I'm here to break down the real vs fake in this episode for ya...so let's get to it!

Real Moments

  • Landon has a conversation with her sister, Bam, about the website creation and her confession of love for Shep. She always seems like she's on the brink of tears when she talks about her sisters and her divorce. She's the oldest and confesses that she feels like she's playing catch up to her younger siblings with families and careers. I hear ya, that's got to be a difficult adjustment for her. She got married right out of college was married for something like 7 years and gets divorced which is looked down upon in her family. So now shes back to trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life, like most people go through in their early 20s but she's in her 30s. I do feel for her. 
  • Craig admitting that all babies look the same. I feel like every guy says this about newborns. 
  • Shep meets Cam for lunch and summarizes Landon's confession of love for him. Cameran doesn't even blink an eye at this news, she's like 'no shit'. She eats her french fries and lets him talk in circles about how it could or could not work. 
  • He then has lunch with his adorable mom and talks about his future and settling down. He feels a little left behind because his siblings are settled and raising families. Sound familiar? Looks like Shep and Landon are on the same thought process with families. He tells her about Landon but confesses that it doesn't work when you are friends with someone and then try and date them. He says its missing a spark. His mom and I both disagree on this sentiment. However, Mama Shep just wants him to be happy. 
  • On to the dinner party and Kathryn Calhoun Dennis says she'll take a bourbon instead of champagne. Shit, she ain't pregnant anymore..give the girl a real drink. 
  • Did I mention I love Cooper? When the rest of the group starts to arrive he tells Kathryn Calhoun Dennis that she should just greet Landon. He's trying to encourage her to be the bigger person. My favorite line is "I'm not trying to make it a bigger issue, boo boo, but I'm just saying." Hilarious. But he's right, its a dumb argument. I don't even know why she hates Landon anyways. Because she wasn't invited to the roller disco party? Because she posted a picture of her and TRav together in London? Whatever.
  • Also points for Cooper, he is literally the only man in the room that tries to diffuse the situation. From the very beginning of Trav's tirade he's trying to get him to shut his pie hole. Then even does so much as to pull him back inside when he chases his guests out to Landon's golf cart for an escape. Phew. More points for Cooper in my book. Craig sort of intervenes with a good point about TRav stirring up old issues between Landon and Kathryn when they were being cordial with each other. 
  • JD shields his wife when things start to get heated between the group. Dawwww! Could they be any cuter??
  • Shep literally laughing in TRav's face when he gets in his face. So amazing. 

Fake Moments

  • TRav goes over to Kathryn Calhoun Dennis's house under the guise of seeing her new place and the nurseries but instead they left "night time nanny" to usher the babies out of the room so they can discuss the guest list for his upcoming dinner party to celebrate the birth of their baby? Huh? Just have a dinner party, why do you have to pretend its for your kids? Anyways, they get in a huge fight over the guest list and inviting Landon. Kathryn actually says "You know me, I get along with everyone." You do? This is the scene where we see TRav jump out of a window to get away from the fight with KCD...I just wish it wasn't on the first floor. 
  • KCD gets a phone call from Jennifer Snowden and she acts like she can't stand the girl now. This was a really weird moment. Just because Trav doesn't like Snowden she all of the sudden just cuts ties with her. Kathryn come ooonnn. You've got to start thinking for yourself, here. I was a little disappointed in Cooper for being bratty in this moment but he said last night that he has since apologized to Snowden about the whole thing so all is well in my Cooper book. 
  • Landon sits down with Patricia about the whole Shep situation. Ugh, can we not? This felt so forced and Patricia used some weird analogies as if Landon is the homely girl that no one could possible be attracted to. Even for a reality show, Patricia is over the top. She also tells Landon that if Shep isn't the one, maybe she should set her sights on TRav. In what world is he a good catch? I'm just being honest here. 
  • The whole dinner party. I don't think the cast's reaction to TRav was fake but I think this was set up in some way. I mean, its not even a conversation that gets out of hand. TRav legit just starts out by complimenting Kathryn but then ripping everyone else apart. All of his comments come with insults right afterwards. And when Shep laughs at him for being ridiculous he really flys off the handle. He was either drunkety drunk or just completely playing it up for the show. I can't tell but Cameran says in the previews for next episode that she thinks they were set up and I have to agree. 

The episode ends with Landon, Cameran, Shep, Craig, and Naomi all piling into Landon's golf cart so they can get the hell outta there. What an episode. I think next week is the season finale and I'm kind of excited about that. I'm so ready to see the reunions and where everything stands and what people have to say for themselves. I'm also kind of ready for a little break with this show. There was a lot that went down. 

My final thoughts are we didn't see nearly enough Danni in this episode. She was around but we barely heard anything from her. She always imparts some sort of reality check for everyone but I think she was just trying to stay out of the way. I also have to say that I really like Jennifer Snowden now. I wasn't too sure about her at first and I have to say she doesn't get painted in the best light. But I've been seeing Bravo's website share some moments from the show that didn't air and it makes me like her a whole lot more. Editing can be such a bitch, can't it?

Til next time, folks!

Friday, June 10, 2016

#RWRunStreak 2016 Challenge: Week 2

If there is one thing about me that I've become really good at hiding from people, its that I'm really insecure about my body. Always have been. I think it stems from back when I was a kid, I developed breasts before a lot of the other girls and I was taller than even the boys and I just felt "bigger" than everyone. I'm sure a lot of women can relate to that.

As I mentioned before, I gained a little weight over the last year due to just being exhausted from marathon training and wanting needing to take a bit of a break. I do know my body well enough to know I'm the kind of person that needs to work out or I will continue to gain weight. I posted this picture (above) last weekend to my Instagram and Facebook because I thought I looked "big" in it and I really wanted to try and push through those negative thoughts about myself. I posted the picture for me, because I think part of changing my mindset is not being embarrassed. But, I really could not have anticipated the outpouring of encouragement from my friends and followers! It was so nice to hear all of your words and my friend from high school even said "progress not perfection" which I think is a great motto!  Thanks so much to everyone who commented with their kind words <3

Now don't start thinking I'm just being vain about gaining weight. Diabetes runs in my family and I lost my father way too early in life because he didn't take care of himself. I've had to sit by idly and watch other people in my life make poor decisions and not take care of their health. So I decided a long time ago that I want to be healthy and live a long life, and maintaining a healthy weight is part of that.

This second week of the Runner's World Run Streak has really gotten me back into a running schedule. Its like I'm training again except not as intense...not NEARLY as intense. But this is what my mind needed, I can focus on this which leads to me making sure I'm eating properly and getting enough sleep and ultimately being happy about staying healthy. I'm already making goals for after this challenge ends so that I don't just dead end with it. It feels great!
So here's how I did this week!

Week 2

Saturday, June 4

Day 6/36: 2.5 miles

I was just a little tired for this run. My adorably obnoxious dog didn't let me sleep in at all. But that's okay because I do like to get my work outs done for the day. The beauty about a lazy Saturday is naps are available!! Anyways, it was muggy, cloudy, and Remus was relentless but we got out there. Once I took him around our path, I dropped him off back home (gave him his morning treat #spoiled) and grabbed my headphones to go back out for a longer run. I ended up running pretty far despite the weather.

Sunday, June 5

Day 7/36: 1.02 mile

Okay sooo this was a not so great run. On Saturday night I decided that since I'm an adult and its summer, I should drink a mojito...or two. Did I mention how I can't/shouldn't do rum anymore? Needless to say I felt it the next morning. There was no hangover, no headache or upset stomach, but I just felt sluggish. Nate did let me sleep in and took care of the animals when they started hollerin' but I woke up just grumpy. If it wasn't for Remus, I wouldn't have gone out at all. 

Monday, June 6

Day 8/36: 1.02 miles

It's a Monday, what can I say? But the sun was up and I was ready to start the week off right! I kept it easy because I was feeling it in my knees on Sunday evening and STILL felt a little off from the rum. 

Tuesday, June 7

Day 9/36: 2.3 miles

Today was great! I went to bed early the night before and woke up refreshed. The sun was shining and the humidity finally broke, it was a perfect morning. This was my first time since training for the half marathon last year that I went more than my normal loop before work. I'm going to try and do an extended run twice a week so I can work on getting my long run miles up. 

Wednesday, June 8

Day 10/36: 1.02 miles

I was actually a little chilly in a tshirt this morning, which was a nice change given the past week of humidity and heat. Remus was in the mood to stop and smell everything so we kept it at a nice and easy pace. Did some Pilates (and added in planks, gross) moves to end my workout and start my day. Happy Hump Day!

Thursday, June 9

Day 11/36: 1.02 miles

I'm not gonna lie, today was tough. I got my period on Wednesday (we're adults, right?) and just had killer cramps and felt out of it this morning. We made it out but I definitely let Remus take his time sniffing every plant we went by and stopped to walk more than normal. Usually I do this loop without stopping at all but today was just not that day. I just didn't want to overdo it. The fresh air felt nice, though, and it was a beautiful morning to be out and about! Tomorrow's another day and I'm hoping to feel good enough to push myself a little farther.

Friday, June 10

Day 12/36: 1.5 miles

It took wild horses (or an energetic dog) to drag me out of bed this morning. But it was another gorgeous morning so once I got my sneakers on we were out the door. Finished with some stretching and Pilates to start off the morning. Happy Friday!

This week was overall a little easier which might be partly because the weather has been perfect. I've almost always given myself rest days so I'm not really pushing myself to do too many miles before work. I see a lot of knee icing in my future. I'm going to try and save my longer miles for the weekends (no mojitos) when I can sleep in a little more or just take my time in the mornings so I don't have to feel rushed. But this challenge has really been pushing my mind to the level I've missed with just being on a routine of running again.

I made it another week! 24 more days to go.

Til next time!

Friday, June 3, 2016

#RWRunStreak 2016 Challenge: Week 1

Anyone who has been in my life over the past year, knows that I completed my first half marathon in the fall. This was a huge accomplishment for me considering the months and months of training that happens before any big race that I really didn't think I was going to be able to finish.

I spent over 6 months increasing my mileage, eating all the power food I could read about, and icing up every muscle that ached. I was on such a great schedule of running 3 times during the week and saving my long runs for Saturday morning. The race came and went and I thought I deserved a much needed break from running. And when I say break...I mean break.

Not the best idea. I went from burning all of those calories to doing absolutely nothing. The most exercise I got for the 5 months that followed the race was taking my dog for a walk. So needless to say, I gained a little bit of weight. Nothing dangerous, people would probably even call it vanity pounds but I could tell and I wasn't happy. I gave myself a little time to wallow in the realization before I mentally switched my brain into "fix it" mode. When the weather got warmer and the days got longer, I slowly started running around again. I turned my walks with my dog into runs and just started increasing my mileage. See, when I was training for the marathon I would take my dog on my warm up, which is about a mile around a path by our house, and then I would go back out and finish my miles for the day. I gave myself our April vacation as one last hurrah to eat and drink too much before getting back on the train of eating healthier.

Which brings us to this week. The best way for me to not lose steam with working out is to have a challenge and I thought the Runner's World Run Streak was just what I needed. The challenge is designed to keep you running throughout the summer (they also do one from Thanksgiving to Christmas). All you need to do is run at least 1 mile a day from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July which equals 36 consecutive days of running. When I saw that, I thought, I can do that. On my non running days, I'm almost always out walking my dog anyways so we might as well run it! (The dog is the most spoiled dog in the world, btw, who whines and scratches as my shoes until I take him out)

I want to chronicle this challenge on my blog so you can follow along, I need all the encouragement I can get! haha. Also, this helps to be accountable for keeping up with it. So here we go!

Week 1 

Monday, May 30

Day 1/36: 2.5 miles

Great, easy run at a 9:53 min/mile pace. Followed by my go-to Pilates moves for stretching and ab & arm work. I also added in a 4 mile bike ride that evening with Nathan!

Tuesday, May 31

Day 2/36: 1.02 miles

Our (mine and Remus's) go-to path around the college to start the morning off. Followed by my trusty Pilates moves.

Wednesday, June 1

Day 3/36: 1.02 miles

I was feeling kind of blah today. We did our normal loop and I skipped the Pilates moves and just did some stretching. I'll get back to it tomorrow! Went for a 5 mile bike ride with Nathan to get some ice cream. Just butter pecan because nuts are tootttally good for you :)

Thursday, June 2

Day 4/36: 1.02 miles

My legs felt sooo heavy from the bike ride last night. This run almost killed me and I hadn't even gone that far. See, I'm still in the beginning stages of starting my tolerance all over again. But I finished and topped it off with some Pilates and stretching. I'm feeling pretty cramped today so I'm going to try and do some deep stretching when I get home.

Friday, June 3

Day 5/36: 1.5 miles

Could I BE more tired today? I was slugging around that 1.5 miles this morning. Remus was practically dragging me. Did I mention it was raining? Not exactly something that gets my energy up and at 'em on a Friday morning. But since Fridays are usually a rest day for me, I just tried to take it at an easy pace. I skipped the Pilates afterwards and just did some deep stretching. I need coffee and a miracle to get through today.

And, yes, I realize it hasn't been a full week yet but I just wanted to get this blog post up so I don't have to do it this weekend. So here are my mileage goals for this weekend and I'll let you know if I met them!

Goal for Saturday: A speedy 2 miles with a Pilates recovery.

Goal for Sunday:  An easy paced 2.5 miles with a Pilates recovery.

Wish me luck! And good luck to anyone who is out running too.
Let's see how next week goes!
